Whatever! by Holly Sands

Have you ever heard the phrase “Coram Deo”? It is a Latin phrase, meaning, “before the face of God”.  R.C. Sproul said that the essence of coram Deo is to “live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God”.

In my prayer time this morning, I began meditating on just what it means to live in that manner. Scripture tells us:

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. – Col. 3:17

Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ – Matt. 25:37-40

For In Him we live and move and have our being… – Acts 17:28

It really struck me today that I need to remember that whatever I do, I do it unto the Lord; good, bad, or indifferent. My life (and yours too) is always under the watchful eye of our God. We are the temples in which He dwells. Do we really think we live unto ourselves? Our lives are not lived away  from the the Lord, but in Him. Therefore, everything that is done by us is done to Him.

How carefully we should live before Him!

Holly Sands lives in South Carolina at the foothills of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains with her loving husband, Shane, and idiot cat, Mister Bojangles.  She has been blessed to travel both nationally and internationally with her husband, sharing the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Holly is co-host of the weekly podcast, “That They May All Be One“.  New episodes can be heard every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app. 


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Others May, You Cannot by G.D. Watson

When I was a young believer, I came across a little tract by the above title. It made quite a lasting impact on my life. Recently, I have been thinking on it quite often and so I wanted to share it here on our blog. May the Lord use it for His glory, in your life, as He has in mine. ~ Holly Sands

If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. (Matthew 16:24-25)

If God has called you to be truly like Jesus in all your spirit, He will draw you into a life of crucifixion and humility. He will put on you such demands of obedience that you will not be allowed to follow other Christians. In many ways, He seems to let other good people do things which He will not let you do.

Others who seem to be very religious and useful may push themselves, pull wires, and scheme to carry out their plans, but you cannot. If you attempt it, you will meet with such failure and rebuke from the Lord as to make you sorely penitent.

Others can brag about themselves, their work, their successes, their writings, but the Holy Spirit will not allow you to do any such thing. If you begin to do so, He will lead you into some deep mortification that will make you despise yourself and all your good works.

Others will be allowed to succeed in making great sums of money, or having a legacy left to them, or in having luxuries, but God may supply you only on a day-to-day basis, because He wants you to have something far better than gold, a helpless dependence on Him and His unseen treasury.

The Lord may let others be honored and put forward while keeping you hidden in obscurity because He wants to produce some choice, fragrant fruit for His coming glory, which can only be produced in the shade.

God may let others be great, but keep you small. He will let others do a work for Him and get the credit, but He will make you work and toil without knowing how much you are doing. Then, to make your work still more precious, He will let others get the credit for the work which you have done; this to teach you the message of the Cross, humility, and something of the value of being cloaked with His nature.

The Holy Spirit will put a strict watch on you, and with a jealous love rebuke you for careless words and feelings, or for wasting your time, which other Christians never seem distressed over.

So make up your mind that God is an infinite Sovereign and has a right to do as He pleases with His own, and that He may not explain to you a thousand things which may puzzle your reason in His dealings with you.

God will take you at your word. If you absolutely sell yourself to be His slave, He will wrap you up in a jealous love and let other people say and do many things that you cannot. Settle it forever; you are to deal directly with the Holy Spirit, He is to have the privilege of tying your tongue or chaining your hand or closing your eyes in ways which others are not dealt with. However, know this great secret of the Kingdom: When you are so completely possessed with the Living God that you are, in your secret heart, pleased and delighted over this peculiar, personal, private, jealous guardianship and management of the Holy Spirit over your life, you will have found the vestibule of heaven, the high calling of God.


George Douglas Watson was a Wesleyan Methodist minister and evangelist based in Los Angeles. His evangelistic campaigns took him to England, the West Indies, New Zealand, Australia, Japan and Korea. he Master’s work continued to a part of his life well into his advanced years. But even then, he only refrained from the calling that had been placed upon him when his health was in question. He also wrote several books.

It was while serving in the confederate army that the Lord became a living reality to him. So heavy was the conviction of the Holy Spirit when the call was upon him for his eternal well-being that while in the midst of a game of cards, he threw down his hand stating to the others, it was his last game. And so it was! The next evening, August 11, 1863, his name became a permanent part of the registry in the book of life.

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Study, Practice, and Teach – in That Order by Shane Sands

…because the good hand of his God was upon him.
10 For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.

Ezra 7:9–10

Study, practice, and teach – in that order – are the characteristics of a mature Christian, devoted to Christ Jesus and His kingdom.  The above quote, from the book of Ezra, shows why God’s good hand was upon Ezra.  Ezra was a priest and extremely competent in God’s Word.  Yet, Ezra knew that even the most gifted and educated man is merely a child, in comparison to the Word of God.  Ezra knew he must remain humble and seek the Lord continually so he would grow in the grace of God.


First, Ezra had set his heart to study God’s Word.  Ezra had to humble himself and be examined and changed by the living Word of God.  This is the same for us who follow Christ now.  We are supposed to show ourselves able to handle God’s Word accurately and correctly.  A good indication of this is when a person comes to God to be changed – and not, to change others.  Ezra, as mentioned, was extremely competent in the Scriptures.  However, Ezra also understood we are continually growing and God is continually conforming us more and more into the image of His Christ.  Even in his old age, Ezra knew he had much to learn.  Thus, he continued to humble and delight himself in the study of God’s Word – and so should we.


Book knowledge is not enough on its own (1 Corinthians 8:1).  If you have not had a life changed, becoming a new creation in Christ Jesus, then you have not been transformed by the Word of God.  Before Ezra could move on to teaching he had to first be walking in a manner worthy of the calling of God.  Only then, once he was walking in truth, could he be useful to help others.  Only by being an example, could his words be validated.  Ezra had as his main focus to be pleasing to the Lord.  Ezra was loved by God and as a result, Ezra wanted to do everything he could to be pleasing – and so should we.


Every gift of God is not for you alone.  God has entrusted it to you so you may be a benefit to other believers and a light to the lost.  Once you have studied and put into practice what you have learned, God calls you to make disciples and to build up the saints.  The reality is, you are always teaching.  What matters is – what is being taught, and does your life validate what is coming from your lips?  Ezra knew this.  Ezra had been entrusted with much wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in God’s Word.  Ezra also understood it was not good to have this gift of God and not share it with others (Luke 12:47-48).  Ezra purposed in his heart to teach the way of God, to the people of God, so that they would walk in a manner worthy of God – and so should we.


18 And as He was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed was begging Him that he might accompany Him. 19 And He did not let him, but He *said to him, Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.” 20 And he went away and began to proclaim in Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him; and everyone was amazed.

Mark 5:20

And so should we!  Grace and peace to all who are in Christ Jesus the Lord.

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