About Holly

I was born again (set free from the darkness of the occult) and transformed by the power of God 39 years ago. You can hear my testimony on our podcast episode, True & False Conversion – Part One or you may read it here.

Having been born and raised in Southern Mississippi, I can safely say that you can’t get more southern than that! I truly love southern culture and enjoy the slower pace of life and the genuine hospitality of others.

My (Sicilian) grandfather taught me to read before I entered Kindergarten by using the works out of his literary collection (e.g., William Shakespeare, Robert Browning and Edger Allan Poe). He completely fostered in me my love for books and being able to use my imagination to see scenes played out as I read. Therefore, reading to me was NEVER boring, but exciting and entertaining. In fact, I used to hide in a tree and read books, so that I could be alone and able to think through where the book was taking me. No e-book could ever compare to having a real book in your hands. The smell, the feel, the printed word…it’s a whole experience for me.

When I was 22, I moved to Oklahoma and spent 15 years there, attended college and spent the rest of my time working for an international charismatic ministry, a traveling minister (who was a former actor in Hawaii Five-O) and the Christian singer, Carman.  My family and I then moved to Ohio (what I now call my “wandering in the wilderness” days) and I lived there 15 more years. My daughter and I used to joke that we moved from OK! to Ohhhh….” Get it? From OK (Oklahoma) to Ohhh (Ohio)? Come on now, that’s funny…lol…please don’t send me hate mail.

In 2012, the Lord providentially – and I might add, mercifully – used Twitter to introduce Shane & I to each other. He was definitely my knight in shining armor and was used mightily by the Lord to help me recover from several deep traumas in my life. I honestly do not know where I would be today without him. Everything I do, I want to do with him. Besides the Lord, he has been the one true constant in my life and I want to spend every day of my life honoring that gift the Lord has given us through each other.

Blarney Castle – Cork, Ireland

I was blessed to go on my first overseas missions trip with Shane in 2015 to the beautiful land of Ireland and then on to London, UK. We both have travelled to numerous states and cities with our evangelism tours and I have been beyond blessed to accompany and support him.

Now, we live in the beautiful upstate of South Carolina -(finally back in the South where God put me in the first place!) where we enjoy the mountains, countryside, rivers, and climate – everything except the traffic. I’m pretty convinced the Lord is using the traffic to sanctify us, but that’s another story for another day!

In my spare time I enjoy shopping at HomeGoods & thrift stores, trying out new recipes, reading – and college football.

I am blessed to have a beautiful daughter who was radically saved in 2019, which was an answer to many years of prayer. Of all the gifts the Lord has given me, she is most precious and I am so grateful for her love, faith, and kindness which she continually displays by the grace of our Lord Jesus.

My favorite Old Testament book is Isaiah and my favorite New Testament book is Colossians. My favorite verse, or what I like to call my “life-verse” is Psalm 25:3a: “Indeed, none who wait for You shall be put to shame.” The Lord has proved Himself true in my life, countless times and will remain so until I meet Him in glory.

Give me an ear to hear, O Lord, Your marvelous words of life.
Give me a tongue, to speak of that which angels long to understand.
Give me a heart, emblazoned with a cry for Your righteousness.
Give me a life that I may lay down, in service to my King. ~ HDS

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